Gastón y Daniela is more than a brand, we are a line of high-end quality decoration textiles, thanks to our spirit, that has been around since the first shop was established in 1876. First and foremost we remain open to the new aesthetic trends and harmonizing of the use of innovative technologies all whilst sticking to the basics of our historical archive. We take pride in our quality and our attention to detail that we bring together through the professionals that we work with for each individual project. We never cease to move.

This collection was inspired by a Grand Tour trip undertaken by a young Englishman in the 18th century during the reign of King George III. After visiting Pompeii and Athens, he continues on to India through Constantinople and follows along the Silk Road in search of new sources of inspiration that he eventually finds in India: prints on cotton, depicting motifs of plants, flowers and geometrics with a recurring rhythmic pattern.

This traveler called Sebastian also comes across patterns from the Far East featuring figures printed on a golden background, and multi-colored silk embroideries.